Bible Study Photo


Nate & Trudy Bertram are seeking to

“Ignite Hope” in McDowell County, West Virginia by helping to lay the groundwork for healthy groups of Jesus-followers within the community.

They achieve this through redemptive relationships, Bible study groups, discipleship groups, and a Business as Mission project.

Redemptive Relationships

As they form redemptive relationships with others, Nate and Trudy are intentional about investing into the lives of people around them, desiring that these friendships draw people into a closer relationship with Jesus Christ.

Christian Heritage Party

Bible Study

In their Bible study groups, the Bertrams meet with a few families at a time with the goal of encountering Jesus through prayer & worship, Bible study, and mutual encouragement.

Bible study groups

Discipleship Groups

Discipleship groups help motivate people to spend time with God on their own …praying, reading, memorizing, and journaling. They meet weekly to promote accountability and share what God has been teaching each person.

WV friends

Business as Mission

Business as Mission is a way for entrepreneurs to expand Kingdom impact by combining excellent business with intentional mission, bringing multiple benefits to society while reaching people for Jesus Christ. Nate & Trudy are starting up Steam Engine Café as a new point of contact to engage the local community in an area with few places for people to gather or eat together.

McDowell County

McDowell County is in the heart of the Appalachian region and has endured a striking number of economic, political, and natural catastrophes. These circumstances have contributed to an environment that is challenging …but in the midst of difficulties, there is Hope.

Watch our ministry overview video below…

Overview video link